Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Educative measures

Education has seriously become a byword... Just a remnant of the old glory that it once entailed.
I've been watching old Bollywood movies, and some are entertaining with their stereotypes of the one child in a family going 'to the city' for studies and then returning ten years later to fight off goons, corrupt landlords, tyrant thakurs et al with his sense of righteous education and propriety. Yet do we have the same definition of education today that was laid down in the minds of our grandparents... Many decades ago?

No doubt the education system has undergone major overhauling since then, but has it always been for the collective good?

Focusing on this, who decides 'the good'?

And yet we continue to falunt our private schooling and other such means of being educated, simultaneously nullifying the human spirit and the correct mode of conduct that a 'proper' education (if such a thing exists) purports to endow us with.

We are all sycophants. Cynics. And not to mention unbelievably silly.
That we have let ourselves be led to the slaughter is reason enough to bar others of our ilk from the threshold of education.

Education IMHO is the smile behind the grimace, the laughter behind the sorrow and the silver lining after every downpour that makes living, experiencing and being irrevocably, ubiquitously and stubbornly human, the most precious treasure in the entire universe.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Why does this happen to me...

I hate that song.

I'm up crap lane, shit creek, turd drive... Hasn't been a good day AT ALL.
Comparatively I'm AT PEACE... Unlike other days.
But that's just my survival system.

More later.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Intentions... Cruel and otherwise.

What it means is basically our reason to do something. The CAUSE behind the EFFECT.
It can be positive, negative, frivolous, chivalrous, vain, selfless, selfish, secret, public...
So on and so forth.

It can be anything so long as it is an intent.
When we translate it into actions, words or basically the EFFECT... It becomes part of this world.
It gets born.
It gets serious.

We can use the corny line, then the game begins.

We can't change the effects of our intentions. That would be like hoping to change time.
However, we cook up the intentions, don't we? We can change. People can change.
That's my contention. I believe in that with all my heart.
I also believe that we live in a real world. Not a Disney inspired fantasy land with emphasis on politically correct and HAPPY ENDING stories.
It could take ages for a person to bring about a change in him/her self. Perhaps by that time it would be too late. But the intent remains, however. The intent behind change.


Our personality, soul, identity can change according to our inclinations, weaknesses, strengths, desires, fears, and ambitions.
The root cause is intent.
What do we want?
Why do we want it?
What do we need?
Why do we need it?

These questions are among the most fundamentally threatening ones in existence.

I do not believe myself wise enough to answer even one of them, not even in regard to myself.

Pure folly.

(Hey nonny-no, hey nonny-no.)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Teh Bible... (sic)

I'm a born again believer...
Of teh Ceiling Cat's Lolcat Bible kthxbai.

It's just awesome!
I've been checking it out for the past couple of days... Laughing insanely all alone in the room... At dead hours of night.
But... It's great! srsly.

All right, enough of the lolspeak.
Frankly speaking, I can think of a lotta dyed in the wool religious people who're gonna have huge problems with this... Movement. But then again, these people contributing to the LOLcat Bible aren't corrupting the word of God... Merely transliterating it into another... Dialect(?).

I respect that. I'm moved sufficiently enough to submit my own contribution by the end of this week... (Should be finished with Genesis by then!! w00t!)

Anyway... Gotta go be NOMin some stuff...

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I love the word is.
It just IS.
Let me begin by describing my Sunday-so far-to myself...
Boring. Unexpectedly hot. And lousy.

How's THAT for cheerful?
Now I know that being positive really helps. But what to do when one is surrounded by things that drag and nag and... Aughh... Whatever.

I feel like an afternoon siesta. But they expired long ago. I don't know, I'm just not feeling the vibe today... Kinda like a storm brewing. The stillness, I mean. It reminds me of the ominously sultry weather right before a big mother of a blowout.

Philosophically speaking, I might as well go to sleep and perchance to dream, wake up in a different realm of the obvious.

Or I could keep pounding the crap out of my keyboard and let go of all reservations... Just kinda like... Resign myself to whatever's happening.
Hey maybe nothing at all is happening and I'm just lending existence a bit of an overrated character. Take it easy. Simplicity is the watchword.


Something about the day makes me want to turn inside myself and shiver deep down to my bones. Have a good dose of the shakes, as it were.

Could I have some hiccups over here please?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No I Don't!!!

When the truth is found to be lies...
And all the joy within you dies...
Don't you want somebody to love...
Don't you need somebody to love...

Naw... I don't think so.
Even if the garden flowers are DEAD!!! Anyway... Jefferson Airplane is retro but I don't really... Get them... Yeah. I don't.

I was designing a website today... And I just made a ridiculous connection!
Life is also a 'template'... Much like those boxy things you can squeeze stuff into... Text, graphics, animations... etc.
At least, mine is. I can really make each day a mirror image of the last, though I don't often do that.
Kinda dangerous, living each day the same. Groundhog Day? I better stay away from that one.

Anyway, what would a total blue day FEEL like. To someone who isn't blue, that is.
Not blue, obviously. So there we go, template!

I also realized it feels good to hear songs in foreign languages you don't understand AT ALL.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The souls of my shoes

My shoes are decrepit.

No other word for 'em. Except maybe:
Beat up.

But damn... I love those chucks... So comfy... So personal...


There's a song I like... By Death Cab For Cutie..
Starts off with...

Love of mine, one day you will die...

It's got a line that basically says we've seen the world... From Bangkok to Calgary... And the soles of our shoes... etc etc.

I love that song. I love the whole soundtrack for The Invisible.
I spent a whole lotta bandwidth on downloading it. Long live the free world!

I was reading up on the word simulacrum the other day.

It's definition is different but Baudrillard DEFINITELY said... It does NOT hide the truth.

Give me a chance to hold on... But it's really like a mental exercise to read stuff like that. I was reading essays today... Some old ones... And I was reading, An Apology For Idlers...
I really need to get a bit more corpulent(sic).

Anyway... Reviewing this whole entry tempted me to delete it and log out due to pure shame.
I'm rambling.
It was a full moon yesternight. So maybe that's why.

Sue me.